Ken and Kerri Davison have been married for 37 years, have 8 children, and have homeschooled for 26 years.
In 2007, they created Holy Heroes, a company dedicated to publishing catechetical products to help parents “bring the joy of the Faith to their families.” Flagship products include Glory Stories (true-life dramatized audio saint stories), Holy Heroes devotionals, and many books for children of all ages. Free online “adventures” for Advent, Lent, Marian Consecration, Spiritual Adoption, weekly Mass Prep and more -- all “led by kids for kids” – reach hundreds of thousands of families, schools, and parishes.
Ken was the co-founder with Patrick Madrid of The Envoy Institute, a nationwide outreach teaching Catholics to better understand, defend and share their faith. Ken was an Air Force Officer, a brand manager at Procter & Gamble, a marketing and business development executive for several public and private companies, Vice President of College Relations for Belmont Abbey College, and the creator of several radio programs. Ken writes and speaks about family life, especially about the role of a father and husband in leading and developing his children’s Catholic Faith and nurturing a Christian imagination in today’s culture.
Kerri is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has earned two graduate degrees. In addition to homeschooling each of her children from K-12th grade, Kerri has published three books for small children, writes regularly for Holy Heroes, and believes that the best use of her time and education has been spent raising her children.
7:30 p.m. Friday (Theater): THE “UNFAIR ADVANTAGE” OF HOMESCHOOLING by Kerri Davison Discover the unique opportunities homeschooling can provide for your children in Kerri Davison’s inspiring talk, The “Unfair Advantages” of Homeschooling. Kerri will delve into the powerful advantages homeschooling offers—advantages that go beyond academics to shape your child's education, character, and future success. This session is perfect for both seasoned homeschoolers and those considering the journey, as Kerri shares insights and practical wisdom to empower parents in creating a truly exceptional and personalized educational experience.
9:30 a.m. Saturday (Theater): TEN HOMESCHOOLING TIPS FROM THE PARENTS OF SAINTS by Ken Davison Gain timeless wisdom and inspiration in Ken’s thought-provoking talk, The Ten Homeschooling Tips from the Parents of Saints. Drawing from the lives of saintly families, Ken will illuminate the educational practices, values, and perseverance that shaped children into individuals of heroic virtue. Explore the powerful lessons these extraordinary parents offer, and discover practical ways to incorporate their approaches into your own homeschooling journey. This talk promises to encourage and challenge parents seeking to nurture both the minds and souls of their children.
Nancy Bjorkman
After years of being a homeschool skeptic, Nancy began homeschooling her four children in 1992. Now, after over 30 years, she has become known as the Homeschool Mom Whisperer for many and a champion of the cause. She has spoken at homeschool conferences in over 10 states where she is known for her enthusiasm, energy, and encouragement. She finds joy in empowering parents to join the journey of homeschooling. Though she stays busy as a bookstore owner, mentor, and speaker, her favorite times are spent with her growing family (grandkids - yeah!). She and her husband own HEPPNER’S LEGACY, a homeschool store in Elk River, MN, where they delight in ministering to the unique needs of families year-round, and where parents say, “Come for the books. Stay for the Therapy.”™
Presentations: 11 a.m. Saturday (Theater):TIME & HOME MANAGEMENT: MANAGING LIFE & HOME WHILE HOMESCHOOLING Time must be budgeted just like money. We must determine the difference between the fixed – what we must do, and the discretionary – what we would like to do, and set our priorities. This workshop will be filled with practical tips and encouragement for everyday living as a homeschool family. Areas covered include understanding your calling, relationships, schooling, meals, household clutter and cleaning, and general household management. Attendees will leave with practical and applicable tips.
1:30 p.m. Saturday (Theater): ENGAGING EARLY LEARNERS What should “school” look like for early learners? What things are developmentally appropriate for the younger ages? How do we keep our “Littles” appropriately occupied while homeschooling their siblings? This fun and informative session will provide a plethora of ideas specifically geared to engage your pre- and elementary-age children. Nancy will share resources, fun games, toddler tips, and easy activities, all designed to help parents think outside the box when it comes to “doing school.”
Cathie Baier
Cathie Baier and her six children began their homeschooling journey in 2003. Four of her children have graduated from high school with associate degrees. One is in graduate school. Two have graduated college, two are in college, and two are in high school. Before children, Cathie developed curricula and taught classes for adults worldwide on various topics in the computer industry at the corporate and post-secondary levels. She loves developing curricula, teaching homeschool co-op classes, and organizing clubs and classes for her kids. She and her family live in Bloomington, MN, and are parishioners at Nativity of Mary.
Presentations: 11 a.m. Saturday (Room 1514): BEGINNING HOMESCHOOLING - BEYOND THE BASICS Are you new to homeschooling? Where do you start? How do you ensure an excellent (not just adequate) homeschooling experience, especially in that important first year? This practical how-to session will help you determine the appropriate first steps on your homeschooling adventure. We'll discuss picking a curriculum, scheduling, and strategies for developing an independent child and strengthening your family and social relationships.
At 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Cathie will be hosting a gathering (networking, informal discussion) over lunch in 1160 (City View Grille) for parents of children with special needs.
1:30 p.m. Saturday (Room 1514): THE MOTIVATION MYTH What do sticker charts, time-outs and spelling bees have in common? They are examples of “Carrots and Sticks.” Over the last 40 years, study after study has shown that "Carrots and Sticks" don't work for long term motivation, especially when thought is required in the process. How are you motivating and inspiring your kids to study, do chores and reach goals? Learn about what truly motivates kids, how to mentor them and help them become successful in their endeavors. Come see the myths dispelled, and the truths revealed about human motivation and mindset. And here’s a hint: It’s you, not them.
Cindy Goldade
Cindy Goldade celebrated the graduation of her last homeschooler in 2023. She still teaches Career Exploration at ARCHES cooperative. She is also a professor at UWRF where she teaches Literacy Foundations in the graduate Montessori program as well as Alternative Methods of Early Childhood in the undergrad program. She is an International Faculty for Brain Gym and passionately shares the connections between mind and body! She is writing a book about her life experiences as a homeschool mom. Presentations: 11 a.m. Saturday (Room 1512): BODIES IN MOTION, MINDS IN GEAR: THE ROLE OF MOVEMENT IN LEARNING Graceful, coordinated movement isn’t automatic—it’s a skill nurtured by purposeful practice and, ultimately, by God’s design. In this workshop, explore how developmental movement and stillness reflect the beauty of God’s creation and support your child’s growth, both physically and spiritually.
Packed with practical tips and hands-on demonstrations, this session will equip you with tools to nurture your child’s coordination, focus, and readiness to learn — all while keeping movement fun and meaningful. Join us to discover how integrating movement into your homeschool can nurture your child’s God-given potential.
1:30 p.m. Saturday (Room 1512): BEYOND THE TEXTBOOK: A HOMESCHOOLING JOURNEY Life presents countless opportunities to transform challenges into lessons and faith-filled growth. Cindy shares her inspiring homeschooling journey, where Lyme Disease impacted elementary skill-building, gut illnesses shaped middle school years, and concussions and broken bones redirected high school goals. By embracing both traditional and unconventional paths, she created a differentiated learning experience tailored to each child’s needs.
Join Cindy for practical tips, real-life examples, and a peek into the nitty-gritty of creating innovative course titles and tracking the time invested. Rediscover how homeschooling can embrace both the mess and the miracles, always rooted in faith.
Alisha Coury
Alisha is a Catholic, a wife, and a mother of two amazing children, ages 6 and 7, who attend Catholic school at St. John's of Little Canada. After attending a presentation on the impact of screen use three years ago, she was inspired to create a Screen-Safe environment as her children grew. Today, her Screen-Smart home fosters peace, strengthens family connections, and encourages a greater focus on faith, learning, and meaningful activities in daily life. Presentations: 11 a.m. Saturday (Room 1506): RAISING TECH-HEALTHY KIDS: BALANCING SCREENS AND REAL LIFE Families today face the challenge of navigating the harmful effects of excessive screen use, including social media, video games, and inappropriate content. This issue impacts children's brain development, mental health, and family dynamics. However, there are effective solutions that empower parents to take control. By adopting a balanced, screen-smart approach—not necessarily screen-free—families can replace toxic screen habits with healthy activities, essential life skills, and stronger connections. Through education on the science behind screen use and practical strategies that work, parents and children can step away from harmful digital influences and build a healthier, more intentional lifestyle.