We're excited to welcome Jim Weiss back to the Conference in 2017! The last time he was with us was 2011, so we're looking at this as a great opportunity to to be re-inspired by this master storyteller and add to our collection of his audios! You probably won't be surprised to learn that Jim has been really busy in the last few years and if you'd like to see the updated list, go here for what was new in 2016 and here for the entire storytelling list.
Gary Zimak, this year's keynote speaker, is a regular personality on Catholic TV and radio, an author, homeschooling dad, and revert to the Church. Hear about his journey back to the Church on this episode of The Journey Home.
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Gary's Conference Presentations:
“Be Not Afraid” (To Homeschool)! Homeschooling…Taking The Plunge! Am I Doing Enough? We're getting excited about this year's conference! We hope you've got June 2-3, 2017 marked on your calendar. Check out our updated site for more details. Registration begins in March.