Sr. Anne is a little piece of Heaven on earth. She is tough enough to have survived growing up with six brothers yet patient and gentle enough to nurture young children in various parts of the world. Even though she has the perfect spouse and the children in her care have never been her own, she understands what moms and homeschoolers go through each day. She has worked with many families and she offers great insight to our daily struggles. It has been a privilege to spend time with the sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity but it was Sr. Anne Marie’s article comparing the mission of homeschoolers to the early monastic development that really drew me in. In making the comparison, the says “this kind of education involved heart, mind and soul and fulfills its purpose by forming children to Christ…” and she calls our home schools “little domestic monasteries.” My home rarely, if ever feels like a “domestic monastery,” but in reading that article, I couldn’t argue with a single aspect. Sr. Anne’s words are always insightful, whether she is comparing the football to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or explaining a fundamental teaching of the Church. Her experience helping families realize the evils that lurk right around the corner every day not only reinforces the reason many of us have chosen to homeschool but helps us to find ways to stomp out some of those evils we can’t seem to get away from when we leave the walls of our homes. Not only will her words help you find ways to heal whatever needs healing in your family but I have no doubt her deepest desire is for all children to know they are blessed and loved and to become “little Christs.” She lives her vocation beautifully and, as SOLT members are active in their communities, she is in-tune to and responds faithfully to our everyday joys and struggles. Sister will be speaking on:
Destiny and the Blessing of Fathers - Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Monasticism, Homeschooling and the One Thing Necessary - Saturday at 3:30 p.m. |